Ministry of Public Security: From July to the end of the year, all provinces across the country vigorously remedied the transportation of hazardous chemicals!

Release time: 2020/6/30

  In order to strictly prevent deaths and injuries involving hazardous chemical transport vehicles and fully protect the safety of people's lives and property, the Ministry of Public Security has decided to carry out a "special rectification action on hazardous chemical transport and traffic safety" from July 1 to December 31.。

  According to the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security,Local public security traffic management departments will fully implement 16 specific measures such as territorial responsibility, strict certificate issuance, rectification of road hazards, and strengthening dynamic supervision,Focus on cleaning up dangerous chemical transport vehicles and drivers of traffic violations,Rolling zeroing of transport vehicles overdue for inspection and not scrapped,Strictly prevent accidents involving dangerous chemical transport vehicles。

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